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Howlite Crystal Point Healing Quartz Crystal


Material: 100% Howlite, Genuine Natural Crystal


Howlite got its name from Henry How, the mineralogist, geologist, and chemist who discovered this crystal in 1868 near Nova Scotia. 


Henry named the crystal “silico-boro-calcite” but after his death, an American geologist, James Dwight Dana gave the crystal its real name i.e. “Howlite”. 


White Howlite is the best crystal known that can help you control your rage, impatience, and arrogant behavior. 


It is a crystal of compassion and generosity that will flip your world upside down and help you understand things in a better manner.


The white color of Howlite symbolizes purity and serenity like any other white crystal. 


It will also help you in times when you feel demotivated and uninspired to perform your tasks by generating a passion for exploring, creating, and implementing.


Now, every one of us faces complexities to a certain level in maintaining a healthy relationship. 


Be it with our parents, partners, friends, or relatives, we all have gone through a phase where it becomes hard to understand our loved ones and this is where our star ” White Howlite” comes into place. 


Being a stone of togetherness and love, Howlite instills a better sense of perception that accounts for sustainable relationships.


White Howlite is also a stone that teaches you the power of wanting more. 


From your life, from the things you do for spiritual as well as emotional growth, from your surroundings, from your energy, and your heart. 


Having White Howlite with you will support in creating awareness and balancing strong emotions.


Howlite Crystal Point Healing Quartz Crystal

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